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While enrolled in a content marketing class, I got the opportunity to work alongside Dezi & Roo for a whole semester. The company is know for selling cat toys and giving advice to cat owners. Not only did we get to learn about the marketing aspect of the company, we also got to create content for them. I decided to write a blog to inform cat owners that there are other safe alternatives other than catnip. I learned how to use internal links, external links, and how to SEO certain words within my writing.

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I had the chance to take a class that allowed students to focus and improve their news writing skills. I wrote a news release about an apartment complex called Seaside Villas which is located in St. Augustine Beach. I wanted to call attention to how this complex sits right on the beach, but they don't participate in recycling. I found that other apartments in the area do recycle. With this assignment I exercised in-person interviews and the inverted pyramid structure to strategical write this news release.  


For this assignment, I got to collaborate with the Parking Director of Flagler College to gain insight with the issues of parking on campus. From a students point of view, it was interesting to learn how the college handles certain situations and how they plan to improve the parking for everyone in the future. I wrote this news release to inform the readers on the struggles that student and faculty face with parking due to the college sitting in the heart of Downtown St. Augustine.


While taking a strategic writing course, each week the class would learn, practice, and implement certain writing material. For this assignment the professor asked students to act as an employee of Allyn and Bacon. Individually, we wrote a sales letter to a specific client and sell the Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing. This allowed me to practice writing tag lines creatively, highlighting important information to sell the product, and the format of a strong sales letter.


Another writing material I learned while enrolled in a strategic writing class was email pitches. I acted as a greeting card company that was reaching out to a journalist and trying to get them to cover a story on the origins of Mothers Day. In doing this, it was an attempt to promote brand awareness for the mock company. In this email pitch I included a subject line, a greeting, explanation of the email, and addressing a call to action.

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